“Citrix and the curse of version 6”
Disclaimer: In no way have I any bad intention with this article. Any reference to the number 666,...
Citrix XenCenter crashes with error 0xc000007b
After launching Citrix XenCenter if crashed with error 0xc00007b and exited immediately. Although my work laptop is really...
Install Citrix APPDNA with QuickDB on a non-system drive
There are two installers available for Citrix AppDNA (former App-DNA Apptitude). Depending on how big of a download...
Howto: Citrix AppDNA installation logfiles
If your having problems installing Citrix AppDNA (former App-DNA Apptitude) you’ll might struggle to find installation log files....
“Citrix Receiver – Security Warning” explained and demystified
When you’ve worked with a Citrix XenApp or XenDesktop environment you must be familiar with the Security Warning...