/dev/sda1 has gone 255 days without being checked, check forced
On initial boot of a freshly deployed (Ubuntu) Linux appliance on VMware vSphere 5 the machine stopped working...
VMware: Recover vCenter Single Sign On (SSO) master password
During the installation of the VMware vSphere Web Client I had to provide vCenter Single Sign On Information....
Virtual (SQL)server impaired by residual snapshot after Veeam backup
Recently I had to troubleshoot a SQL server that performed nightly batch jobs for a management information system....
VMware shared folders keep profiles in use
When Microsoft Windows systems are virtualized with VMware ESX or Workstation, WMware Tools is installed. When the VMware...
Do we need ‘fancy’ features for VDI?
Everyone knows that more and more people are thinking about VDI, or at least they’re talking about VDI....