PubForum 2011 Agenda – Download ICS

In a few days PubForum starts in Dublin, Ireland. Starting on Friday May 13 2011 and ending on Sunday May 15 2011.

With at least 25 presenters,including Ingmar Verheij and Remko Weijnen, 36 sessions and 15 successful events since 2003, the conference is here to stay.

Since I’m attending (and presenting) PubForum I’ve created an ICS calendar file so I can use it in Oulook and my iPhone.


I’ve published the file for all attendees : PF 2011 Dublin Agenda.ics (expires 24-5-11).

PS: The PubForum agenda is known to be ‘dynamic’, the published file won’t be updated.


Ingmar Verheij

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