During the installation of a SCOM2012 reporting server the installation unexpectedly stops working with an error message “System Center Operations Manager Setup has stopped working”. This repeatedly happened after the data reader account was entered.

Data Reader accountSystem Center Operations Manager Setup has stopped working

The log files in %LocalAppData%\SCOM\Logs did not give any information about why the installation ended, neither did the event viewer. All prerequisites where met and common workarounds like reboots and using a dedicated SQL server for the reporting database did not solve the problem.

The problem was mitigated by installing the reporting server via command line (unattended):

SETUP /install /components:OMReporting /ManagementServer:SCOMms.domain.local /SRSInstance:SCOMrs.domain.local /DataReaderUser:DOMAIN\SVC_SCOM_DRA /DataReaderPassword:******** /SendODRReports:0 /UseMicrosoftUpdate:0 /AcceptEndUserLicenseAgreement:1


Tip: Don’t forget to add the /AcceptEndUserLicenseAgreement, the installation will fail without error dialog. Details are only available in the log files.


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