Please wait for the Local Session Manager
Author : Ingmar Verheij I’ve built a lab to run some tests on Citrix XenApp. Since this is...
No network on WANem (Citrix XenServer)
Author : Ingmar Verheij WANem is (as the name implies) a WAN emulator that’s available for free and...
Determine WAN latency for remoting protocol
Author : Ingmar Verheij Latency is the time required for a package to travel to its destination. Latency...
Smartcard not working on Windows CE 6 thin client (Citrix XenApp 5)
Begin this year a customer asked me to solve his problems with smartcards (UZI-pas) on Windows CE6-based thin...
Your machine(s) everywhere
Citrix Synergy starts tomorrow in San Francisco. From wednesday 12 may till friday 14 may all updates, new...