Citrix released “XenBroker 7.5”
In 2013 Citrix merged their application and desktop delivery solutions XenApp and XenDesktop into XenDesktop 7. XenDesktop 7...
Virtual desktop word bingo (XenDesktop 7)
In my previous article you’ve read about my aversion against the term VDI. The introduction of Citrix XenDesktop...
You don’t need XenDesktop for a virtual desktop
For years Citrix has a product to host applications from a centralized locations offering great flexibility and efficiency,...
Should Citrix buy Lakeside Software?
Citrix has a history of buying companies to expand their product range (NetScaler, XenSource, App-DNA, etc.) and to...
“Citrix and the curse of version 6”
Disclaimer: In no way have I any bad intention with this article. Any reference to the number 666,...